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Hanami and I went to Whistler for 4 days. It was pretty nice trip!

Whistler was covered with tons of snows n it was not so cold than I expected.

We strolled villedge whole day n went to hotel. Our hotel was like a domitory so we had share kitchen, launge, laundry and cafe. Also, we used a private room with ladies who we didn't know. We ate unhealty dinner there n we enjoyed thatX) I like that hotel style but first day, the other guest in my room slept early (before 9pm:0!) so we surpriesd n we try to be quiet n slept early. Second day, Harumi joined us n we started snowboarding. It was exciting! I hope I can practice them more, Actually, we stayed mountain around 5pm and we were rescued :D! Even though we were in such a serious situation, we enjoyed riding on a rescue bike:P♡ We could have special experience. Third day, Hanami's condition become worse so we stayed hotel that day. However, there are lots of snows around our hotel so we could enjoy that day. We took movies n pics. The hotel's cafe was also nice. I'm happy cuz I could relax that day. ( Actually, my body ached all over thanks to snowboarding....) On a last day, it was pretty sunny day:D We went to villedge to eat our lunch. The restaurant was so sweet but the chocolate founde wasn't tasty that we expected ;( Anyway, we could enjoy that time. To sum up, I love the vibe of Whistler. It looks totally different from Vancouver n there were many things to see. I hope I can visit there again with having good skill of skiing or snowboarding:D!

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