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1AU$ = 85¥ (March, 2016)


Milk 2L:                              $2

Yogult 1kg:                    $5

Egg 1p ()                  

Rice 2kg:                           $4

Pasta 500g:                     $2




Buy Cheap Food

The No.1 biggest supermarket in Australia, Woolworths has a variety of things from fresh bread to notebooks. Anything you need in Australia may be bought from here as well as Coles.

Seven Eleven

From Japan, Seven Eleven is proudly popular in Brisbane. $1 coffee is a great deal in Australia. Many are located in the city.


Main Location: City

Pretty much the same things are sold in the same price as Woolworths. 


All $2.8!! (250yen)


From Germany, ALDI is located in some places in Brisbane such as Garden City. When you are looking for really cheap and imported food, this may be the place to go. (can be cheaper than Woolworths/Coles)

Maybe the third biggest supermarket in Australia is IGA after Coles and Woolworths. This U.S. brand grocery store has similar range of food to the other supermarkets.


Homestay: $260-270/week

 1. 3 meal included

 2. Great experiences with        Australian host families


Dormitory: $165/w

 1. meal not provided

 2. 3 minutes walk to the          univeristy

 3. making local friends

Homestay Accommodation

You have to stay with a family for one semester. Host families are usually open minded, friendly and very kind. You may stay with other international students as well or with just a host mother/father. 

Homestay experience is apparently always great and everyone enjoys.

On-campus Dormitory

How much would you spend per month?

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