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★USC life ★

Intensive English Program { Fall semester and Spring smmester} 

   semester schedule 

  Fall A  (7week)  → 1 week break →   Fall B (7week )  → winter break about 3 week  →

 Spring A (7wek) → 1 week break → Spring B (7week) → Study abroad finished  


      1 reading writing and grammer class  

      2 Oral skill class ( speaking and listening) 

      3  elective class including( TOEFl, Academic vocabulary, Film, Current event, Economy, Grammer, Reading book, Pronunciation, etc.)


  Conversation group 

         In the morning, students can learn how to speak in a native way with native speakers.

         it is gonna be roughly 1 hour.


    Drop in Turtoring

         students can ask tutor about homework, essay, TOEFl and anything.  

       2015 Monday to Thursday     



             Every Friday and Saturday, there is a event that USC International Academy offers. 

             ex) students can go to Disneyland, Grififth Observatory, Universal Studio...reasonable price. 





 Club Activity 

   Students can participate in any activities that USC has 

        EX) Volunteer, Badminton, Photo, Table tennis Animation....... that 2nd batch students did


  Annual Event 

     In the USC, there are a lot of events 

                                                                 Football game, Basketball game Bookday,Movie night,  



     students can use 40 meal plans to eat in the USC restaurants 

              There are 3 restaurants that is available for us.  (All You Can Eat)

                    Parkside restaurant 

                     Everybody"s kitchen 

                     Cafe 84 



        Students are supposed to be divided into 3 dormitories  (2015 to 2016) 

                     Parkside Apartment 

                     Century Apartment

                     Gateway Apartment 


   JESS (Japanese Exchange Student Supporters)

        There is one associatiton that we can make friends with native american people who learn Japanese. They sometimes hold a party then Japanese students go there and enjoy talking. 

JESS members are so kind that we can easily make friends.

   Campus Meeting 

       There is also one asoociation that is related to SGI-USA. Both USC sGI members and Japanese SGI members gather and discuss a lot.They encourage each other. The meeting is gonna be held twice a month. Students who participate in this activity will get incredible memory.   














Language partner 

 Japanese students teach native speakers English and Japanese students also learn Enlglish from them.

    students meet with language partner once a week or twice a week.. ( depends on partners) 


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