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Christmas eve

In my family, we had a Christmas party on Christmas eve. My hostmother started cooking in a early morning n all foods were very very delicious:)♡ The time of giving presents was really fun and awesome. My host brother became Santa and his niece was his assistant, elf. It was lovely time. Eveyone enjoyed tearing wrapping and surprise. My host brothers gave mother sllippers but the size was small...XD

Mother "This is too small!"

Second Brother "NO! It's perfect size!"

Mother tried... "No way! lol"

Second Brother "Oh no! You (to elder brother) said it's best size!"

There was some sweet troubles but I loved that moments. The best presents I got yesterday was a lovely Mickey cup from my hostmate. (I'm using it now to drink hot chocolateXD) I can't believe she will leave here next month;( Later, we went to mass and I could listen beautiful songs. I felt I could have REAL CHRISTMAS in Vancouver:D

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