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Baden Powell Trail ~Deep Cove~

Today was a wonderful Christmas Eve!!!

This morning, I went to a fisherman market in Richmond with my host father. He wanted to buy some shrimps. I heard that a lot of Japanese Canadians lived there between World War I and II. The federal government robbed the Japanese Canadian of all fortune because the government considered them as spy. After the war, the government apologized, but the Japanese Canadian did not return to the area. Many Chinese Canadians live in the area now.

We went to Richmond Center after the fisherman market. Host father bought presents for host sisters and me!!! I was surprised. I received a cute white sweater.

In the afternoon, we climbed a mountain. It took us about two and half hours to went up and down. I did not know to walk Baden Powell Trail, so I wore boots... Climbing with boots was really tough for me... Anyway, the view from the top was very beautiful.

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