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Grifftih University

Period: September 2016 - June 2017

Campus: Mt GravattNathan

Accommodation: Homestay/Dormitory


20 minutes bus from your homestay location

 5 minutes walk from your dormitory

What do you want to study in Australia?

            IELTS -5.0                            IELTS 5.5                      IELTS 6.0-

Course & Study

What do you study at Griffith University? You will definitely have different experience here.

Living Cost

How much would you spend in Australia? Average AU$1100!


Do you want to know more?
Your questions would make this site better.

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Preparation  in  Japan

Lots of things are different from other countries. Be prepared with strong mind and necessities.

Explore Brisbane

Where is Brisbane? Not Gold Coast?

Let's figure out what you can do here

Shopping & Accommodation

How much would you spend on food and your accommodation?

Voices from us

1. Homestay experience by Yu Okabe

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