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Homestay Experience
                                      by Yu Okabe

Homestay experience will be a vital and enjoyable part of your study abroad. By being a member of a local family, you are able to observe and share the life style of Australians; additionally, you will gain many opportunities to use English in your daily life. Even though you may sometimes struggle with difficulties in understanding and accepting a new culture, it will be a profound experience that may expand your existing perspectives.I have spent nine months with my Australian host family in Brisbane. They are friendly, very cooperative and have a wonderful sense of humour. They also have two cute dogs in their house that I absolutely adore. My host parents have given me not only accommodation and food but also tons of love as they have treated me like one of their own children. I have never felt isolated, which is very common when people live apart from their family, due to their kindness and love.

Moreover, I have got interesting housemates from China and Malaysia who have a lot of amazing and funny stories to share and future goals to accomplish.

The most memorable time that I have had is dinner time. We prepare the dinner together almost every day while chatting about our daily experiences and school things. It has also been a wonderful opportunity to learn how to cook traditional Aussie meals. When I cooked Sushi and Okonomiyaki for them, they seemed very happy as they could try Japanese food in Australia. During dinner, we have shared lots of interesting issues which could be a serious topic like terrorism or world history that normally came from daily news. A history class is often held by my host father who knows a lot about world history while we are having dinner. Although it was just dinner time, I have absorbed a variety of important details from them and housemates, and also I have had the opportunity to share with them personal information as well as information about Japan.

While in Australia I have celebrated many events. I was here for Halloween, Christmas, New Year, Easter, and my birthday. For me Christmas was the most exciting event that I have ever had since I came to Australia. It was really fantastic and such fun to decorate and adorn the big tree with them while singing Christmas carols together. In addition, I was very fortunate that I could go on a trip with them during summer vacation. We enjoyed spending time at the picturesque beach, playing cards every night, and watching movies together. I appreciate my host parents for giving me such as incredible and memorable experience in Australia.

The time I have spent with my host family and housemates is one of the most unforgettable memories in my study abroad. Therefore, I recommend homestay as an invaluable option. Homestay would be a great way to improve your English and to learn different cultures directly from the people who you live with.

Thank you for reading!
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