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Intensive English Program

In Intensive English Program or IEP, you focus on basic 4 skills; Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Besides that you will be provided with a variety of elective classes.


In reading/writing class you will basically learn how to write a variety type of essays using database and do a pile of paper assignment such as an argument, comparison, and definition essay and etc. In advanced level, you will read challenging materials and write long paper (10 pages)

In speaking and listening class you will go through presentations frequently (once a month on average). Additionally, you will do debate, discussion with textbook, and more challengingly, you will do discussion leader, meaning you are rquired to give a sort of lecture to class mate with a topic that you chose.


Elective Class

International Academy provides you with elective classes and you can study something that interests you twice a week. Here are some classes that we took. But keep in mind that elective classes are subject to change for every semester. Also teaching style, contents of each class and lesson materials depend on teachers. You need to be in as high a level as possible so you can have free chioce of  elective classes because each class does not cover all levels.





You will learn basic concept of business (ex:Microfinance, Marketing, Project management) and biuld terminology of the business in this class. More interestingly, you will do virtual investment and compete with classmates in stock market. This class is interactive and informative. For example what we did was actually to do skit as a project manager and learn how to negotiate with someone whose interests are different from yours.

Current and Event News

In current and event class, you will read articles about timely issues (mainly about domoestic affairs) and summarize it and share your thoughts with classmates. 

Jounalism class gives you unique oppotunities to publish your newspaper to International Academy students. It might be demanding to make an article twice a month but you will learn layout of articles and tips in writing articles available to public. 

Book Club

You read novels and other books, enriching your vocabulary and enhancing reading comprehension 

In film class, you will watch movies and learn casual slang, idiom and expression through this class. You usually will review what you watch.

You can learn basic law and specific terminology related to law through this class.

This class aims to help you prepare for TOEFL and get more familiar with prblem setting through practice.

Besides classes above, there are following classes; Pronunciation, academic vocabulary, IELTS and etc. 

Class Schedule (ex)

                   Monday        Tuesday    Wednesday  Thursday      Friday
11:30-1:20         R/W                  S/L                  R/W                S/L           R/W (10:00-10:50)
1:30-3:20         S/L                 W/L            E(Bisiness)        R/W        S/L (11:00-12:50    
3:20-4:20        E (Business)
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