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INTO Mason


Core class focuses on reading and writing. You will take this class every single day (Mon to Fri).

Our average is level 5 or level 6 at the beginning of the first semester.



OCS class focuses on Listening and Speaking. OCS class has three times a week (Mon, Wed, and Fri).

Our average is level 4 or level 5 at first.


Elective class has various types of subjects, so you can choose a class which you are interested in. You'll have Elective class on Tuesday and Thursday. For more information, please check out the picture below.

Learning Resource Center (LRC) is located in Mason Global Center where you usually take classes. You can study there when you have spare time.


Placement test

You will take a placement test at the begging of study abroad, then you will be assigned into a particular level out of 8 by the test socre.


If you pass the classes, you can move to next levels in the following semster.

Class photos

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